| by Anne Llewellyn

What We Do and How To Find Us: Because Every Patient Needs an Advocate

As I was reading my Facebook page, I saw a post from a friend that said: “I won’t be able to get my MRI until the end of next week. I’m pissed.” This message alerted me to call a friend who needed a Patient Advocate. Here's a real-life example of...
| by Dianne Savastano

Stay On Top of Your Coverage: Tips For 2021

While working with clients who are newly enrolled in Medicare or accessing health insurance via the Open Market and/or from employers, we identified common themes in the advice we offer. I share those themes below, in the hope that it will get...
| by Althea P Halchuck

How Should You Die When You’ve Had Enough of Life?

Imagine you have a terminal illness and your life expectancy is 6 months. How about a terminal diagnosis where you could expect to live for another five, ten or, more years? Many chronic diseases, such as COPD, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS...
| by Gail Nowacky

Ways To Save On Medical Bills

For most Americans, healthcare is a top personal and financial priority. Unfortunately, provider billing mistakes combined with the skyrocketing cost of healthcare services, health insurance premiums, and prescription drugs can create real...
| by Jill Gill

Bring the Humanity Back to Healthcare

"Objectification of people is the heritage of the professionalization of helping relationships. […] When we treat others as objects, even for benevolent reasons, we rob them of their humanity. […] Benevolence without respect is...
| by Dena Feingold

Rare Disease Advocacy: The Case For Early Intervention

As parents we all want the best of everything for our children. The best opportunities for education, happiness, and of course, health. But what do you do when you have a child born with a rare genetic disease with no clinical pathway for...
| by Kelsey Mora

Delivering Difficult News to Children

Parents are often faced with the challenge of if, when, or how to deliver difficult news to their children. As a parent, you may have thought “no news is good news” or been told “they’re too young to understand.” However, all children can sense...
| by Anne Rich

Too Many Pills: The Patient Advocacy Perspective

I have been a Registered Nurse for many years, and an Aging LIfe Care Professional, also known as a geriatric care manager or senior care advocate, for the past 7 years. As a nurse I have always thought of myself as a Patient Advocate, especially...
| by Maura Lessard

Don’t Go It Alone: Contact a Nurse Advocate

Gone are the days of anyone, let alone an aging parent, placing a quick call to his/her doctor when not feeling well or needing a quick question answered. Healthcare is increasingly difficult to manage and places high demands on time and energy...
| by Gail Nowacky

Are You Covered for Nursing Home, Rehabilitation & Skilled Medical Care?

Obtaining reimbursement from Medicare, health plans, and insurance companies has become increasingly complex, especially in today’s healthcare environment following changes in how health care providers and facilities bill for services. Hospitals...
| by Dianne Savastano

Be the Leader of Your Own Healthcare

It may sound like an overstatement, but it’s true: The work of Kouzes and Posner and the Leadership Challenge has provided me with a framework that guides not only my work within Healthassist, but also the way I conduct my life. Here are the five...
| by Linda Winkler Garvin

My Personal Journey Begins Here…

Dear Mom and Dad, It’s Linda. I need to tell you something that’s difficult to share and challenging for me to comprehend. A large solid tumor was found on the outside of my right ovary. Let’s back up. I had a little vaginal bleeding toward the...
| by Roseanne Geisel

Your Voice In the Health Care System: Independent Patient Advocates

When I was pregnant with my daughter 21 years ago, family and friends suggested that I hire a baby nurse to help for the first few weeks, especially because my husband and I did not have family nearby. That way, they said, I could get a few hours...
| by Roseanne Geisel

21st Century House Calls: Telemedicine Brings The Doctor To You

Is there a doctor in the house? That question has been asked in emergency situations and in comedy sketches. Most of us don’t have a doctor in the house, but telemedicine is enabling us to consult one without leaving home. I have anecdotal...
| by Roseanne Geisel

Finding 'Dr. Right': My Step-By-Step Strategy

I have a knack for matchmaking. I am not talking about setting people up to date. My track record on that is abysmal—just ask my nieces and nephews to recall their single days. The matchmaking I have a knack for is finding the right doctor to meet...