| by Pat Collins

Are my meds working for me? How can I know for sure?

November 3, 2021 Have you ever wondered if the medications that you are taking or someone that you love is taking are helping you, hurting you or even working at all? Have you ever wondered if you are having an unexpected reaction or side effect...
| by Pat Collins

Wednesday Wonderings … When there are no good choices, how do we decide what to do?

October 27, 2021 Right, Wrong, Good, Bad – those are the words we use to describe our decision-making choices. What makes a decision right or wrong? What makes a decision good or bad? Yeah, I know, it’s like porn. You can’t describe it, but you’ll...
| by GNA Admin

8 Reasons Why Healthcare Advocacy is Important

Guest Blog: This blog was written ad submitted by Aussy Aportadera, a writer who covers topics that explore Lifestyle, Business, HR, and other related issues. She's published articles in Esquire, Smart Parenting, and FemaleNetwork.com Healthcare...
| by Pat Collins

Wednesday Wonderings … How to rest, relax and recharge without taking a break.

It started out as a few hours a week. An afternoon here. An evening there. A Saturday or two. You handled whatever arose. No big deal. You love them and it was manageable. It happened so slowly that you did not even realize that you became a...
| by Paul Ennis

Are Your Ducks in a Row? My Advance Directive Gift To You

Editor's Note: This blog was submitted by GNA member Paul Ennis as a means to share his years long project of developing his own highly personalized advance directive document. Paul is sharing this document as an example of how clear, detailed...
| by Pat Collins

Wednesday wonderings…What to do, What to delegate, What to punt

October 13, 2021 Link to Blog https://bit.ly/3lDvkWv A couple of the inserted images did not come through on this site. October 13, 2021 What do you do when you have multiple “To do” lists or your “To do” list has a “to do list?’ Do you get laser...
| by Corina Savela

Advocates: Practice What You Preach

I know how important it is to be prepared for a medical emergency. In fact, I teach others on how to prepare and be ready for medical emergencies all the time. I thought I was ready too, but I had a rude awakening a couple weeks ago. I was in a...
| by Althea P Halchuck

There Is No Autopilot for Advance Directives

As Final Exit’s Surrogate Consultant, people often ask me for advice on the best Advance Directive (AD) to cover their medical and end-of-life (EOL) wishes. Unfortunately, the answer is not that simple. An AD is a “legally recognized” document...
| by Tara L Bailey

Alzheimer's: When Past Pain Erupts Into Unpleasant Behavior

One of the most heart wrenching things to witness is when people struggle with past pains and hurts. It’s not uncommon to stuff these sorrows down and avoid ‘dealing with them’. By not adequately acknowledging these wrongs – whether by abuse, loss...
| by Gayle Byck

Parallelograms and Health Insurance

My kids always talk about how they didn’t learn practical stuff in school - such as how to file their taxes. This summer, I saw the perfect sign in a store: “Good thing I learned about parallelograms in school instead of how to do my taxes. That...
| by Pat Collins

Wednesday Wonderings... Am I Broken?

How do you know when you are broken? What was the first big obstacle that found its way right in the middle of your path? You know, the one that kicked your ass. The one that made you doubt everything that you though you knew. That situation that...
| by Lee Mulert

Trauma: Piecing The Puzzle Together

In December 2020, I presented a webinar within the Health and Patient Advocate community about working with complex mental health clients. What sparked the webinar's immediacy was that many of us have seen a dramatic increase in clients struggling...
| by Dr Elena Borrelli

Help! I can't get the care I need.

Tried to get an appointment with a specialist and got denied? Now what? Unfortunately, as a private patient advocate, I have heard this story all too often. You research and find a doctor that specializes in your condition, then you try to make an...
| by Dr Elena Borrelli

Although Common, Breast Cancer Requires a Personal Approach

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The American Cancer Association reports that aside from skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women. In 2020, over 325,000 new cases of breast cancer in the US are expected to be...
| by Dianne Savastano

Elder Care: The Intersection of Multiple Industries

My client, Patty, reached out last spring with grave concerns about her 75-year-old sister, Caryn, who was living independently in Pennsylvania and who was exhibiting significant short-term memory issues. Patty was initially confounded about where...